A Rose by any Other Name

teacherWhen the little girl started first grade, the teacher asked her name.

“Happy Butt.”

“Happy Butt. That’s not a name.  Let me check my records.”  She checked her records and came back.  “You’re name is Gladys, not Happy Butt!”

“Glad Ass, Happy Butt.  Same thing!”

49 thoughts on “A Rose by any Other Name

  1. One must think about said child and how such a name follows said child through life. Though I couldn’t help but giggle at Glad-Ass. On second thought, maybe we need these types of names. 😉


  2. Thank you for my morning chuckle, I think I’m going to have to reblog this, to funny not too! That read like something my 4 yr old granddaughter would say, as a matter of fact . . I should write a post dedicated to her hysterical and sometimes embarrassing jibber-jabber Have a great day! 🙂

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