The Things We Do For Our Kids! Guest Post By Cordelia’s Mom

Cordelia CardI am so proud to that Cordelia’s Mom did this Guest Post for Mother’s Day.  Please check out her lovely blog.  You will love it as well.

It was the mid-1950’s.  I was in first grade.

Mother’s Day was approaching, and my teacher decided to have us all make noodle necklaces for our moms.  She brought in a variety of dry noodles, along with string and water paints – and wrapping paper.  I was so proud of my creation!  Mom was going to love  it!

On Mother’s Day, I watched my mother open her precious gift. She oohed and aahed, and put the necklace around her neck.  I was so happy to see her wear it that day – I thought it was the most beautiful jewelry she ever had.

My mother didn’t work (back then, few did). Her only recreation was going bowling once a week in a league with other mothers.

Her annual bowling banquet was the week after Mother’s Day.  I watched my mother dress in her most beautiful (to me) outfit, high heels and all.  As she started to reach toward her jewelry chest, I told her she should wear the necklace I made because it was better than anything she had in that jewelry chest.  And she put that necklace on and left the house for her banquet.  I was so proud!

Fast forward approximately 25 years.  I was now a young mother whose girls often brought me hand made gifts.  One Sunday, I was visiting Mom, and we got to discussing little girls and how to raise them.  The subject of the noodle necklace came up.  I chuckled and told Mom that I was sorry I made her wear that necklace to her banquet, and that I now understood that she probably took it off as soon as she was out of eyesight.

There was a silence as my mother thought fondly back to that day.  Then, she told me:

No, I didn’t.  I wore it all evening and told all the other mothers that my little girl made it for me.”

And that’s how I learned to be a mother. Mom was tough when it was called for, but she loved her kids and made sure that we all knew that.

Mom once read about a father who told his child, “You are my favorite, but don’t tell your brothers and sisters because it would hurt their feelings.”  After the old man died, the kids were comparing notes and discovered that he had made that statement to each and every one of them.  Mom thought that was a wonderful way to make a child feel special – and while neither she nor I ever tried it with our own kids, we both understood the philosophy behind it, and tried to love each child in the way that child needed to be loved.  I know she succeeded; I hope I did, too.

Happy Mother’s Day!  If you have children, give them hugs from me.  If your mother is still alive, give her a kiss on her aging cheek.  And if you are a mother, may you be showered hugs, kisses and homemade gifts from your own children.

Thanks, Linda, for allowing me to guest post for you today.  I will hold you to your promise to reciprocate on my blog!

I love to hear from my readers.  You may comment on this post, comment on my Facebook or Twitter pages, or email me at

Image by Cordelia’s Mom

49 thoughts on “The Things We Do For Our Kids! Guest Post By Cordelia’s Mom

  1. I have kept several things my children made for me… those that survived my many moves. Little by little and every so often, some items I’ve given back to them (I am getting up in years) to share the story with their children. They and their kids love them and are always awed that I still had them. My kids love knowing how much they meant to me.


  2. I remember this one, CM. Such a sweet post. I saved a lot of stuff, but the favorite are the home-made greeting cards. I pull them out when my kids are home, and we all get a laugh. But, they are precious to me. Happy Mother’s Day to you, and to Linda. Thanks for sharing. 💖

    Liked by 1 person

  3. Paul says:

    When my Dad passed away abut 7 years ago, his wife (my step-Mom) gave me some of his things as mementos. Along with his gold watch he earned for 40 years with one company was a rough block of wood about 4 inches by 5 inches into which had been drilled a smiley face with multiple holes. Apparently I had made it for him when i was about 3 years old (I don’t remember it) – slaved over it for hours using a hand drill to make all the holes for the smile and the nose and the eyes. He kept it for more than 50 years until he day he died.

    Parents love their children. Happy Mothers Day CM!

    Liked by 1 person

  4. My girls each gave me a homemade friendship bracelet when they were in Junior High. I wore them to work all week. I got a few odd glances during Corporate meetings but I knew the Moms understood. I still have them and all my homemade Mothers Day cards.

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