Knot on Head

imageI used to moonlight at an urgent care clinic.  Mother called me at my regular RN job one day to complain of an earache.  Like I always do when people ask advice, I recommended she see a doctor. She decided to go to the urgent care clinic where I sometimes worked.  I called to speak to my friend, Judy, who was working that day.  I asked her to surprise Mother by telling her she had to have a full internal pelvic exam.  She knew Mother, and was delighted to pull a little trick on her.  Sure enough, she showed Mother to the OB/GYN exam room, telling her to prepare for a full exam.  Naturally, Mother was stunned, protesting she only had an earache.  Of course, my friend quickly gave the joke up.

They turned the tables on me.  Judy, the nurse called me.  “Linda, your mom was so shocked she fell and her head.  She’s gonna have to have stitches.  You are gonna have to come see about her.”

“Oh my God, I never dreamed that would happen!  Let me get someone to cover for me.  I’ll be there as soon as I can.  At that, They started laughing.  The last laugh was on me.

12 thoughts on “Knot on Head

  1. You mother is as evil as my mother! One April the first, I rang my husband with a tale of woe about my family, which got more and more bizarre as I went along. Half an hour later, my mum rang me with the exact same story, except she was claiming every I had made up was actually happening. I was horrified until it started getting into the alien abduction scenario, when I finally clicked that I wasn’t psychic, but my husband and mother were in cahoots and both needed a good horse-whipping…


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