Evening Chuckle

A father of three beautiful daughters, being a good father, always liked to meet their dates before they went out. On this particular sat. evening all three had dates, when the first one arrived the father opened the door, he was a nice looking young man, and he said, good evening sir, my name is Eddy i’m here to pick up Betty we’re going out for spaghetti is she ready? The father called Betty and they left. When second one arrived the father opened the door, the young man said, hello sir my name is Joe i’m here to pick up Flo — we’re going to the show can she go? So the father called Flo and they left. When the third one finely arrived, the father opened the door to a rather scruffy looking young man. and the boy said my name is Chuck… so the father shot him.

12 thoughts on “Evening Chuckle

  1. I should have expected that ending, but didn’t. Made me laugh.

    As for my 3 girls – we just told them they could only date guys who could get past our dogs. Only a few did, and the ones that made friends with those dogs are still around many years later.


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