1960 Grocery Prices


Yesterday, we looked at 1950 grocery prices, and today we move to 1960.  Here’s a snapshot of what grocery prices looked like sixty years ago, with an emphasis on Thanksgiving fixings, from the November 21, 1960 issue of the Pittsburgh Press.

The turkey itself would set you back 39 cents per pound. If you were a non-traditionalist, hams started for about 69 cents per pound.

The cranberry sauce was two cans for 45 cents. If you were going to make your own cranberry sauce, the berries were 19 cents per pound. And if you were making your own pie (which you probably did), the pumpkin was two cans for 39 cents.

Mayonnaise was 69 cents for a quart, and you could get 8 one-pound cans of Van Camp Pork and Beans for a dollar. Jello was 12 boxes for a dollar, and cake mixes were three for a dollar.

In the produce department, oranges were two dozen for 79 cents, and lettuce was 2 for 35 cents.


18 thoughts on “1960 Grocery Prices

    • Daddy brought home $100 a week. House note was $75. A month. You know it had to be worrisome if a ten year old kid remembers at 73. Mother talked to me and Phyllis about money worries all the time. Too bad she and Daddy didn’t discuss it. She avoided conflict to detriment of girls. Daddy wasted money on worthless stuff, horses, goats, cows, poultry. More money went to feed store than to feed kids.

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      • Those are indeed hard times. Glad you got to be where you are now as you created a better life for self. I guess women of older generation were subservient perhaps and just kept quiet.


            • It was. Fortunately for me, things were changing by the time I came along. I was motivated to be independent and managed to get through college. My parents weren’t able to help so I worked and got loans. I owed $1800 when I graduated in three years with a BACHELOR’s in English Education. I hated teaching so I went back for Nursing degree. I retired with 30 years.

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  1. Not much chance of that l’Beth unless there is a bargain to be had somewhere I haven’t seen yet. As for salaries, no, I’d prefer to be on the salary I retired on but again, not much chance of that. I actually loved the 19+60’s and saw them as a time of great hope of what wasa to come as the young radicals went into politics and made sweeping changes, but alas, when they did go into poliyics it wasa case of same old, same old. Huge Hugs

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  2. If only we could roll back to those prices we could save enough for a holiday each year?For me it would be a better computer which wouldn’tg decide the Net was down every 30 seconds despite my phone and tablets still having it. O’ for proper communication between friends everwhere. Huge Hugs

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