Hat (Joke)

Golda Bernstein took her five year-old grandson to the beach. Her heart swelled with pride as she stood with her darling grandson dressed in his blue and white sailor suit viewing the majesty of the ocean.  Suddenly a rogue wave washed in, picked him up, and swept him away, leaving everything else nearby dry and unscathed.

Golda raised her hands to the sky and demanded of God, “How can you so cruelly take my grandson and leave me here to suffer?  What kind of God are you?”

In a moment, another wave appeared from nowhere returning the child to her, safe and well.

She raised her arms heavenward.  “He had a hat!”


Daddy’s insistence on respect from his family made it all the more rewarding when indignities befell him. Daddy was the first the see humor when we found ourselves in awkward or embarrassing situations, but did not like being the butt of jokes. Naturally, we loved seeing him embarrass himself. Daddy worked alternating shifts at the paper mill. Continue reading


Anything regarding sex was dark and unmentionable in mixed company. Children were not to embarrass adults by noticing any veiled reference made in their presence, never asking why any adult was in the hospital, and vacating the room if the words complications, hormones, or nature came up in conversation. Above all, women should never refer to their “period.” Continue reading

Crows in the Corn

We tangled with the crows last summer and came way out on the losing end. They patiently watched us plow, measure, make rows, and plant, showing special interest in the seeds we’d chosen. From their keen attention, we could see they were partial to sweet corn. They practically drooled when it came out of the bag. Continue reading

Kindness In The Airport Security Line

Let’s make kindness rampant! Reblogged from Kindness Blog.

Kindness Blog

Kindness In The Airport Security Line

To the couple who stood behind us in the airport security line ~

Your quiet act of kindness is something I will never forget.

Traveling with 4 kids is hectic, but traveling with a special needs child brings uncertainty and uneasiness. It had already been a rough morning… not getting enough sleep, looking for lost shoes, making sure all of Lucie’s medical supplies were packed, spilt coffee in the car, backseat “He’s looking at me!!”, tears and the list goes on.

To say that I was mortified when Lucie’s suitcase hit you… would be an understatement. That line couldn’t move fast enough…. But your reaction spoke volumes to me. In her mind, your forgiveness, compassion, and sweet banter with her made you two friends with her for life. And then to top it off, the sweet bag of furry friends you sent to our seats completely sealed your fate.


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A Note Was Found At The Airport That Said “Read Me.”

What a brave act! Reblogged from Kindness Blog

Kindness Blog

A man came across a folded piece of paper while he was at San Francisco airport that said ‘read me‘ on the front.  How could anyone possibly resist that invitation?  He knew he just had to look.  So, he did.

And what he discovered inside was surprising and wonderful…

note from a stranger

This is what was inside… (scroll down to read a typed up version)

note from a stranger

“I recently left an emotionally abusive relationship After months of insults I wont repeat, false accusations, lies, delusions, broken mirrors, nightly battles…. I left. I know that I was being poisoned by each day that I stayed. So with a heavy heart, I left my lover of three years, knowing that I had already put it off too long. At first he begged, then he cursed, but eventually he packed his bags and faded out of my life like a bad dream.

For the first few weeks, my…

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