Book Review Tales From the Garden by Sally Cronin

Tales%20From%20the%20Garden%20small-%20CoverI’ve just finished Sally Cronin’s Book Tales From the Garden and it makes me wonder why I ever gave up Fairy Tales just because I got grown..  As you can see by the cover, the photography is wonderful.  Her characters are variously funny, quizzical, magical and heartwarming.  I enjoyed it so much I could hardly put it down, yet didn’t want it to end.  Get it and give it a try!

Tales From The Garden-Behind the scenes-by Sally Cronin


Tales From The Garden – Behind the scenes – by Sally Cronin


Thank you to Linda for offering me space on your blog today to talk about the behind the scenes action of Tales from the Garden.


Linda gives us a healthy dose of humour frequently so I thought that I would talk about the comedian of the tales.



Eager to impart some nugget of news to the head guardian, Fizzy the rabbit looked up adoringly at the lion. ‘He’s been seen, he’s coming, we have to do something, he is on his way, we have to panic.’

The lion looked down at Fizzy and shook his head slowly from side to side. Of all the creatures under his care this was the one who caused the most problems. Since a young rabbit, he had been a sugar addict; craving what was commonly called the Amber Nectar. If you wanted to find Fizzy you just had to head towards the nearest Amber joint and he would have his whiskers deep in the blooms.

Fizzy was found tucked away on a ledge at the front end of the house and away from the other rabbits in the garden. I felt there was probably a very good reason for that so I am afraid he became the resident laughing stock.. He does however he does redeem himself in the eyes of the head guardian in the story of The Winter Fairy; hopefully he will get help for his love of the Amber Nectar.




Tales from the Garden is a collection of fairy stories and 80 illustrations, for children of all ages, from five to ninety-five that will change the way you look at your garden forever.

The tales reveal the secrets that are hidden beneath hedges and trees and you will discover what really happens at night as you sleep unaware in your bed. Stone statues and those hidden worlds within the earth are about to share their stories.

The guardians who have kept this sanctuary safe for over fifty years will allow you to peek behind the scenes of this magical place. They will take you on a journey through time and expand your horizons as they transport you to the land of fairies, butterflies and lost souls who have found a home here.


The book is available in print and Ebook  at a substantial discount via my own website:

Also at Amazon UK:


About Sally Cronin.

Sally Cronin spent a number of years in each of the following industries – Retail, Advertising and Telecommunications, Radio & Television; and has taken a great deal of inspiration from each.

She has written short stories and poetry since a very young age and contributed to media in the UK and Spain. In 1996 Sally began studying nutrition to inspire her to lose 150 lbs and her first book, Size Matters published in 2001, told the story of that journey back to health. This was followed by another seven books across a number of genres including health, humour and romance. These include Just Food For Health, Size Matters, Just an Odd Job Girl, Sam, A Shaggy Dog Story, Flights of Fancy anthology, Turning Back the Clock and Media Training.

All these can be found on Amazon or smashwords.


For the last two years Sally has written a daily blog covering the subjects close to her heart including writing, health and music: Smorgasbord Invitation – Variety is the Spice of Life. You can link to it from here:


Connect to Sally on social media.


Thank you very much Linda for inviting me to guest post today.