Kathleen Carries On  Part 5 or Kathleen Tries to Takeover Windsor Castle

Kathleen surprised
Kathleen, Surprised

Windsor Castle Attempted Takeover

It’s not likely you heard this on the news, but I suspect my mother, Kathleen tried to stage a takeover of Windsor Castle about twenty years ago when she was merely seventy-five or so. You see, Kathleen has been jealous of Queen Elizabeth ever since she knew there was such a person as Queen Elizabeth. She was only a year younger and probably a much more deserving person of all that went along with being a princess. For instance, in her pictures, Princess Elizabeth always had curly hair. Kathleen’s hair was, blonde, straight, and fine. Worse yet, Kathleen’s father kept her hair in a bowl cut. She felt sure the king didn’t perch Princess Elizabeth on a stool in the kitchen and lop her hair off. Besides, if it was naturally curly, that was even more unfair, Princess Elizabeth’s family had plenty of money to get her a perm. Kathleen was poor with straight hair.

The magazines were full of photos with Princess Elizabeth going here and there in sumptuous clothes. What had she done to deserve all that fuss? Kathleen worked hard in school, behaved in church, and helped her parents in the house and garden. She was much more deserving. The princess probably did nothing all day except play with snooty kids, go to tea parties, and sit on a cushion in her crown. It just wasn’t right.

Worse yet, when she got married and had children people went crazy for her. Kathleen had five children and had to manage on her own no matter how hard things got.

Considering all this, I believe when Kathleen got to Windsor Castle , she tried to stage a coup. The story I heard was, “We were the last group of the day. I didn’t want to miss a thing, so I put off going to the bathroom as long as I could. I darted in the bathroom for just a minute, and when I came out everybody was gone. I had to look around and find a guard to let me out. It took a while.” I don’t doubt the part about ducking in the bathroom. Mother knows everything bathroom between her own and Timbuktu. The part I don’t believe is the “just a minute” part. We’ve timed Mother. Her shortest bathroom visit is thirteen minutes. I don’t know what she does.

Meanwhile, her tour group was waiting outside, twiddling their thumbs and questioning where she could be. They would have probably left her had my sister not been with them.

I fully believe had that nosy guard not interfered, Mother would have perched herself on the throne.

8 thoughts on “Kathleen Carries On  Part 5 or Kathleen Tries to Takeover Windsor Castle

  1. Actually, though your Mom does sound deserving, the Princess Elizabeth did not play with snooty playmates, she did connect with the people and did spend much of her time in training for her job. When she was married to Prince Phillip, he was on duty in the Royal Navy while she learned to drive an Army ruck., and was patron of many charities that helped others. Becomming Queen was a shoc, but she worked hard in the role for the people of the United Kingdom. I was always a little jealous of Prince Charles (as he was then). But he also earned his stripes as Patron of The Prince’s trust, a charity that gives to the young and helps them in life. As King, I envy him much less and am satisfied with my own title which does not come with his onerous duties. If your Mom had gained the throne I would have supported her as I did Her Majesty but I HAVE NO COMPLAINTS ABOUT OUR ROYAL fAMILY for their dedication to duty. Windsor Castle would have made a great playground for your family. Huge Hugs.

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