Delicious Food

I’d have to claim a well-prepared steak is the most delicious food ever. I don’t want it that often, but when I’m ready, it’s great. I choose a steak with sufficient fat marbling and sprinkle it liberally on both sides with coarse Kosher salt. I let it sit for 1 to 24 hours. Next, I rinse and dry it with paper towels. It is probably salty enough, so I season it with coarsely ground black pepper and garlic powder. I grill it till medium rare, usually seven minutes on each side. It needs to sit five minutes before serving. It will be tender and moist. Best served with baked potato and salad. Try it!

21 thoughts on “Delicious Food

    • He worked physical rehabilitation. He was the best nurse I knew. He is a big tough- looking guy, but one of the kindest people I ever knew. We are so fortunate we got together.


    • No steak for us then either. We married in college..we bought groceries once a month. Our meat for the month was one pound of ground chuck, and one chicken. We had to get three meals out of the chicken and two out of the ground chuck. We lived near a bayou and often fished for dinner. If we didn’t catch fish, we had grits. Most meatless. Lots of beans and pasta.


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