Delicious Food

I’d have to claim a well-prepared steak is the most delicious food ever. I don’t want it that often, but when I’m ready, it’s great. I choose a steak with sufficient fat marbling and sprinkle it liberally on both sides with coarse Kosher salt. I let it sit for 1 to 24 hours. Next, I rinse and dry it with paper towels. It is probably salty enough, so I season it with coarsely ground black pepper and garlic powder. I grill it till medium rare, usually seven minutes on each side. It needs to sit five minutes before serving. It will be tender and moist. Best served with baked potato and salad. Try it!

My favorite outfit

Oh, that’s easy. It is a soft, loose, cotton dress or pants and shirt. In fact, that’s what I wear most days now. It’s great for blazing Louisiana summers and fine for our cool winters. Cotton clothes are inexpensive and easy care. When I retired, my happiest moment was donating my “nice” work clothes and shoes. I spend most of my time now in my “best” clothes, good old cotton!

How I waste the most time everyday

I waste the most time doing housework, maybe two hours a day. It has to be done so I can enjoy the rest of my day, but I’ve never learned to like it. I do, however, enjoy a clean house. I never feel like reading, writing, working in my flowers and plants is a waste of time. Neither is time spent with family,friends, and cuddling my pets.