
I dreamed about Aunt Ola Bea again last night.

Aunt Ola Bea, the woman holding the baby. I am the messy girl standing next to her.

I dream about her at least once a month, particularly if I am stressed. She was my dad’s youngest sister. We saw his family a lot. He was the fourth of seven fertile children resulting in a mob of forty wild grandchildren for my poor beleaguered Grandma Mettie who most often had to live with one of her children. She greeted us warily but was clearly relieved when we rushed away to play with the cousins. She must have had PTSD from rotating between their parents. Once in a while she’d somehow save up enough to rent a duplex from her friend, Mrs. Reavis, but soon enough someone would have a domestic situation and need her help with rent. Perhaps she’d not be able to make her rent and move back in with one of her kids. Amazingly, they competed for her.

At any rate, the family got together as much as possible on weekends and holidays, as often as not, at Aunt Ola Bea’s, Mawmaw’s youngest daughter and favorite. Aunt Ola Bea was irritable and overworked, likely because she had six children in ten years. Their family always had a baby and a little baby. The baby was usually handed off Sissy, the eldest girl, probably close to four when she was handed her first charge. I remember her balancing a chubby knee baby on her tiny hip who probably weighed nearly as much as she did while Aunt Ola Bea smoked and nursed the squalling, new baby. One time, she was horrified to drop ashes on the bald head of the new baby. I think she quit smoking while nursing after that. Every year or so, a new, new baby came along, and the old new baby became Sissy’s charge and the big baby was promoted to droopy-diapered toddler, to follow Sissy around.

Aunt Ola Bea barked sharply at her kids when they got out of line. Some of the wild ones got a lot of barking. Though she never cut loose on me, I feared I would be reamed out next. Though I steered clear as much as I could, I was delighted if she spoke kindly to me in a quiet moment. I really wanted her to like me. I think that’s why I dream of her in times of stress. I fear the worst and hope for the best.

Mawmaw. I never saw her look this lighthearted