Can’t Afford Urine! (From Kathleen’s memoirs of the 1930s)


After we finished our shopping, we walked across the square to the corner drugstore for ice-cream to pass the time for Mama to go see the doctor. We slid into a booth where I had to make a huge decision: chocolate, strawberry, or vanilla. I worried over it, quizzing Mama and Annie which was best, finally choosing vanilla, just like I always did. Annie let Continue reading

Can’t Afford Urine! (From Kathleen’s memoirs of the 1930s)

After we finished our shopping, we walked across the square to the corner drugstore for ice-cream to wait for time for Mama to go see the doctor. We slid into a booth where I had to make a huge decision: chocolate, strawberry, or vanilla. I worried over it, quizzing Mama and Annie which was best, finally choosing vanilla, just like I always did. Annie let Continue reading

Poop Scooping

Everywhere you go now, you see people with little bags following their pets around, intent on capturing their precious leavings, an admirable trait in a society that values clean shoes and carpets, but if this had been going on for all time, can you imagine how it would have changed the course of history? Adam and Eve might never have gotten a bite of that Continue reading