Andrew and Molly Finale

Molly went about her business as usual.  With four children under five, the house and homestead to run, she had all she could handle.  Even with Malcolm and Martha Wilson’s help and Rosemarie to nurse the baby, every moment held its demands.  The farm was now in excess of five hundred acres.  Will managed it for her, as well as continuing his blacksmithing.  They’d planned to negotiate for three more bondsmen and increase the timber harvesting the next spring.  Molly had hopes she Andrew could work their situation out, but he’d not approached her, though she did see him helping Will about his blacksmith shop.

The older couple strolled over after supper that evening. Will spoke to Molly.  “Molly, you and Andrew have matters you need to discuss.  God joined you together and you were separated through no fault on either part.  Your circumstances are tangled.  Neither of you benefits from antagonism.  Andrew wants to meet to discuss your situation.  Are you willing?  He’d like to come over if you are ready.”

“We do need to talk.  We vowed to love each other once.  This is a test of that promise.  It would be best for everyone if we find common ground.”

In minutes Will was back with Andrew.  “Can I see the baby?” Rosemarie reluctantly surrendered the baby but stayed at his side.  “He looks recovered.  His cheeks are round again.  I am grateful.”  Rosemarie beamed when he handed the baby back.     “I was wrong to reproach you for marrying.  Will has explained your danger.  I had no right.  The child is my son.  The Indians held another captive, the wife of a trader.  She was killed when we were escaping.  I want you back.  Will you think about it?

Molly thought long before she answered.  “We are not the same people who loved each other then, but we have needs and there are children who need us both.  I have been leaning on Will and Aggie too long.  You need to know, James left half the farm to me, the rest to the children, so it will never be yours.  I have the final say in its use, but land we get from this day forward we share.  Can you agree to that?”

“All I have thought of was getting back to you.  I was a bondsman, then a slave.  The life you offer is more than I ever hoped for.  We are still young enough to have a long life together.  I am willing.”  he answered.

“Will, can you fetch the reverend?  We need marrying.”

They were  married more than thirty years and had five more children.  Like all couples, they wrangled many times, but together increased their holdings.  It was a good life.



36 thoughts on “Andrew and Molly Finale

  1. paulandruss says:

    A strong compelling family saga of of solid believable characters that you really care about. I have only read this in fragments but I have favouritised the page and want to read it from beginning to end. I like the ending. When you care about people you want things to work out for them…. it’s satisfying for me as a reader and of course there’s nothing wrong with happiness.. it just gives us all hope and the feeling that it is a just world after all.

    Liked by 1 person

  2. dave lewis says:

    I have been married to my fourth wife for 21 years and each day is better than before. We married for mutual need but it turned into a love story. We look younger than our age and can’t help but smile all the time and that healthy glow we both have is true love. We proved all the naysayers wrong and I’m glad for it.

    Liked by 2 people

    • That’s a good way to marry. I worked with several doctors who had very, very happy arranged marriages. I sometimes I think other people can make better decisions than the hormone-ridden decisions most couples make. My husband And I grew up together. Marrying a life-long friend was good for us. We are coming up on 47. And n my heart, he will always be 22, like the day we married. Bet your story would make a great post.

      Liked by 1 person

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