‘I say, beware of all enterprises that require new clothes..

‘I say, beware of all enterprises that require new clothes, and not rather a new wearer of clothes.’  Henry David Thoreau

This is my favorite shirt.   I love it more now than the first time I put it on.  I wish I had a meter to tell me which things will turn out like this shirt.  When it was new, it was a nice medium-weight denim, several shades darker.  It was probably laundered six or seven times before it revealed its beauty to me.  It faded and softened, calling out to me every time I open my closet.  Buttons have been replaced a few times, buttonholes repaired, tucks restitched, and today, an iron-on patch applied to the right side just below the yoke.  The lace on the yoke has a small, well, maybe good-sized snag.  I don’t think anyone will ever know.


I fear it will wear out one day, as my favorites have done before, before too much longer. Sadly, it’s like trying plug a hole in a dam, when you plug one leak, another starts.  I guess I will just love it as long as it lasts.