Snake-Handling and the Rapture(Part 2 of Starry Night, Kathleen’s Memoirs of the Great Depression)

laying on hands                         snake handling 2 snake handling

You might want to go back and read this before reading Part 2

Starry Night (from Kathleen’s Memoir of The Great Depression Part 1)

“When me an’ my brother Jim was boys, we heard they was gonna be having a camp-meeting at one of them snake-handlin’ churches up in the hills.  Now we didn’ want nothin’ to do with snakes, but we thought it might be interestin’ to stir them church folks up a little.  We slipped out with the Rascoe boys an’ caught us up some cats an’ a dog or two an’ had’em in tow sacks.  We slipped up on the back side of the church an’ climbed up, pullin’ them bags behind us.  With all that singin’ and testafyin’, and speakin’ in tongues, them church folks couldna’ heard the devil comin’ up the river in a sawmill, so we didn’ have a bit o’trouble once they got started.  Them folks was naturally doin’ some carryin’ on!

Well, we give’em time enough to get to really git serious about their religion before we turned them dogs and cats loose on ‘em.  Them cats tore outa’ them sacks, like their tails was on fire, screechin’ and spittin’, with them dogs right behind ‘em.  Some of ‘em ended up bustin’ right up in the middle of them snake-handlers.  I mean to tell you, they threw them snakes down an’ they all run outside screamin’ an’ carryin’ on about the rapture.  You wouldn’a thought anybody that messed with snakes would’a got so stirred up about a few dogs and cats!