Charley’s Tale Part 29

“Cora, I don’t want to talk to my mother.  Call her and tell her to send that gal over with my girls.  I want to see how these outfits look. Tell her I don’t have all day.”

“Yes, ma’am.”  Cora ambled on downstairs.  They ain’t no way she’s gittin’ her claws in them babies.  She dialed directly into Charles’s office.  “Miss Ellen told me to have Josie bring the babies over right away.”

“Thanks for calling, Cora.  I’ll take care of it” Charles answered.

In about ten minutes Charles called Ellen. “Ellen Dear, Miss Geneva called me to check on the baby this morning.  I just ran by.  Ginny has a fever and may have chicken pox.  They can’t go out, but I can pick you up to visit them if you want.”

“No!  I don’t want to get exposed to chicken pox.  My face might scar, besides, I’m not speaking to Mother.  Do you think the baby’s face will scar?”

“Young children don’t usually scar.  It’s adults who have to worry.  Your mother didn’t know if you’d had chicken pox.  Do you remember?”  He had certainly struck the right chord with her.

“No, and I don’t want it.  The dresses will have to wait a few days,”  she told him.

“Whatever you think, Dear.  I’ll be home around six.”  Charles had scared her off for now.

After the call from Charles, Cora overheard Ellen calling her friend Sarah Marshall.  Of course, Cora couldn’t hear Sarah’s replies, but it was clear Ellen made opportunities to point out all the ways she felt superior to Sarah.

“Sarah, I’ve decided to invite a few more friends to tea. There’s no point in going to all that trouble for just you.  I’m feeling great. I have a new hairdo I’m dying to show off.  I never realized how smart I’d look with short hair.  If you didn’t have such a round face, you might want to try it.  Of course, my hair curls naturally.  You’d have to get a permanent wave, and those just fry hair.  That certainly wouldn’t make you look any better.  I guess I’m just one of those lucky women who doesn’t show her age.  Charles still thinks I am a bride.  If we didn’t sleep in separate rooms, I’d never get any rest.

You know my Cousin Jean died.  I was always her favorite.  I’ll be inheriting her farm and her family home in Jasper.  She was from a prominent and very wealthy.  She rarely used her lake home in Jasper, but kept it in lovely condition.  I’ll be sure to invite you when we have a country weekend.  Got to go.  I have a lot more calls to make.”

Ellen had never spoken directly to Cora about the tea, but clearly expected her to be ready.   I am so glad I ain’t got no friend like her.  Woo, Lordy, that’d be rough!




51 thoughts on “Charley’s Tale Part 29

  1. As Rosie says, she IS ill, but living with it was not fun. Mother was not so much a narcissist, but she could tear you to shreds with her words very much like that. It’s hard to build self esteem in that environment and as a child, you don’t recognize it for what it is. You just accept it. How I figured it out, I’ll never know, but I’m glad I did. I just felt so beat up all the time and unfortunately, at times it was both physical and mental.
    I have a feeling that had one of us been like Charley, she might have been different, like she was taking in a broken animal. I could be wrong, but I think she would have been protective. She would have taken her to doctors to have her “fixed” right away. Since she didn’t like us girls, she probably would have encouraged the boy part.


  2. Ufortunately she sound’s like my Mother… This cames alive I could see her sneer, the squinting of her eyes as she visulised the chickenpox, the
    Checking of her reflection to be sure she was as exquisite as she remembered on last glance. Nicely done.


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