Auntie Linda Reaches Out To Anna Duggar

Auntie LindaimageI wish I had had the opportunity to reach out to Anna Duggar and young women like her before they are sadly misguided by their parents, churches and future in-laws into oppressive, early marriages rather than being encouraged to develop as fully functioning members of society.  Anna’s parents additionally betrayed her by sanctioning her marriage to a man they knew had already molested his sisters and others.  They should have told her to run, not walk!  It is an outrage to deprive women of education and opportunities in the name of Godliness. Women who are already in this situation will surely need help and support to make a life outside their church and family. Though Josh Duggar has admitted to being addicted to pornography and having committing adultery, and well as child molestation, Anna has to be facing tremendous from her parents, in-laws, church and friends to “stand by her man” where her role is to assume a portion the guilt of a straying spouse, supporting him in his weakness.  If only she’d been more supportive, listened better, been a better lover………  Likely, Anna feels she has no skills, despite her years of mothering ang managing a home, feeling she can’t support the children alone.  I challenge Anna to look at the children she brought into the world; children she is responsible to protect at all costs.  They deserve a life free of perversion and shame.  Should Anna decide to bravely make the decision to protect her children, she can change things for children at risk for abuse everywhere.