Finger-licking Good

Yesterday afternoon about three-thirty, I was preparing to put a chicken in the oven to roast for a sensible dinner. Over the course of the next ten minutes, the electricity flashed off, then on again two or three times. Normally when this happens, it goes off for good. I decided on my back up plan for the chicken. Though I have a gas stove. The oven won’t work when the power goes off, so I lit the burner with a match and fried the chicken, a less healthy and much welcomed choice. When I served dinner, still with no power, Bud passed on the healthy side salad, and probably had the best dinner he’d had In a while, fried chicken and butternut squash pie, all the good stuff and not too much pesky nutrition. He was a happy man.

Bodies Beautiful

Reblogged from Cordelia’s Mom, Still.

Cordelia's Mom, Still


I’m happy to say that I didn’t cry after all.

As my mother wished, upon her death three years ago, we donated her body to the local medical school – State University of New York at Buffalo (UB).  Every 18 months or so, UB holds a memorial service for the families of all those whose bodies have been used to train new medical students.  Today was the service which included my mother.

You will recall from a recent post that notice of this service hit me hard, but I felt I owed it to Mom to honor her memory.   Although I knew the service would be for more than just my own mother, I expected it to be a rather small ceremony attended by maybe 30 or 40 people.

Last night, we learned there would be around 500 people in attendance!, and I seriously debated the wisdom of attending what…

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