Dog Discipline

What could these two pictures possibly have in common?  Buzzy is adorable, but he does have a little flaw.   He feels compelled to scratch soft fabrics.  My new bathroom rug is quickly balding.  I have to groom it every time he gets in there.  He gives carefull attention to several other rugs, but this one must be substandard.  I do tell him,”No!”  He is pretty forgiving, just gives me a hurt look and walks away.  I’ve thought of flapping him with a hand towel, but that seems a little extreme for a ten-year-old gentleman who’s never endured a flap.  I guess I need to buy a better rug or keep the door closed.

10 thoughts on “Dog Discipline

    • Once he went in the street. My husband picked up a small branch and told him if he did it again he would threaten to hit him with a stick. That was the end of that. Buzzy still tries to get to street. Bud just sticks closer so Buzzy can’t get near away.. I guess old goats CAN learn new tricks.

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