Grieving Beauty

Graveside0001 (2)This lovely photogragh, taken in 1911, is of unknown family members of my Cousin Kathleen Perkins of Grayson County, Virginia  She had no information about the the beautiful grieving young woman.  The name on the tombstone is Rhudy and date of birth 1803.  I plan to have this photograph restored and appropriately framed.  Cousin Kathleen’s  grandmother was a Rhudy who died in childbirth giving birth to her only daughter and second child Winnie Rhudy.  She had previously given birth to a son.  On her death, the children were given to different families and never knew each other.  Winnie was fortunate that her foster parents were an older couple who had longed for children.  They raised her very kindly and lovingly.  She thought of them as her own parents.  It is likely this photo was handed down as part of her own family’s possessions.

28 thoughts on “Grieving Beauty

    • I have no idea where it was made except in Grayson County North Caroline. As for comparison, I do have interesting photo of man with two small children. Have no idea who they are. Bought it because I liked it. May post it. Thinking of hanging them together.

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  1. Oh, this photograph tells such a huge story. I often like to choose a single picture to create a story from what I see. Many different tales could be written from this one, yet the truth breaks my heart.


  2. I’m so glad you’re framing a copy of this beautiful photo! I am always so sad to go in an antique store and see drawers of old photos someone has just given away… So much history, so much living, pictured within. This is just an incredibly moving shot.


  3. It’s just amazing how much can be contained in a single snapshot, and this one is indeed a beautiful one despite the somewhat bittersweet content. Thanks for sharing.


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