Ask Auntie Linda, Straight Talk from a Straight Shooter

Auntie Linda

Dear Auntie Linda,  We were going to be out of town for the holidays, so we got a young man who grew up with our son to and whose parents are our best friends to housesit and care for our dogs.  We’ve known him for years and felt comfortable having him stay even though he’s college age.  We paid him well to watch the dogs  and maintain the house.  The neighbors told us later he had a girlfriend over the whole time, though he told us he wouldn’t have strangers in the house.  They had to call the police on a loud party.  We got a frantic call that one of our Dachshunds had to go to the vet with a broken leg on Christmas Eve.  Evie is an older dog and not able to move fast enough to get out of people’s way.  I suspect she was kicked or hurt by rough play at the party the neighbors complained about. A good bit of alcohol is missing from our cabinet and we can tell someone was in our bedroom.  We are very upset about the way things went.  We foolishly paid Jerome before we left, knowing he needed the money for Christmas.  We tried to reach Jerome, but he won’t return our calls.  Should we tell his parents? We feel he should make good on damages.  Mad

Dear Mad,  If this guy is in college, he is responsible for himself.  I’d make a point to let him know what a rotten job he did, but unless you are willing to sue, he is not likely to make good.  I wouldn’t hesitate to tell his parents about the bad experience if they asked, but they aren’t responsible. However, they don’t need to recommend him to anyone else.  He may just be a kid who exercised bad judgment, but I’m sure you won’t need his services again.  If anyone asks you for a recommendation, be sure to say there were problems. Auntie Linda

9 thoughts on “Ask Auntie Linda, Straight Talk from a Straight Shooter

  1. You gave good advice on this. If the couple raises a fuss it will no doubt be the end of the friendship with the couple and not solve anything. I’d be surprised if the couple didn’t know what’s going on with their son. It sounds like they weren’t asked, though. It may get around anyway as the neighbors may talk about it. — Suzanne

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  2. This reminds me of our neighbours years ago who went on holiday for 6 months ‘letting’ their house to relatives. We had all night parties nearly every night, cars coming and going at all hours, and had no idea who was actually living there as we never saw the same person twice. We also didn’t know they had gone away and arranged this as they never mentioned it. Despite being ‘nice’ and asking them face to face for some consideration, we had no option but to get Environmental Health involved, and the entire situation got very nasty. We were not the only ones to complain though. When we came to sell, it is law to tell of any neighbour disputes. We were honest and said we had no problem with our neighbours, just the people renting their property whilst they were away.
    Funny how we are now house sitters, and see it as we are here to look after the house, not entertain our friends, eat or drink her supplies or run up her bills.

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