Vagina, Boobs, and Poop

surpriseMother in her yardMother checking out realestateThe picture in the upper left captures a frequent expression of Mother’s, usually after she has just opened her mouth and put her foot in it.  The picture in the center was made on a stone patio she built herself.  The final picture was made of a visit to family in New Jersey.  We were walking through a beautiful cemetery and Mother decided to try out the real estate.  She liked it a lot, but decided against being buried that day.

This post has nothing to do with Vagina, Boobs, and Poop.  I am doing a post on crazy things my mother has said and done and wanted to see if this garnered interest.  Mother is sensitive about her age and height, so I can’t mention the fact that she is past eighty, and “not tall,” but besides that, has said and done some interesting things.

1.  She left her lights on, ran her car battery down, and asked a nice young police officer to “jack her off.”  She wasn’t arrested.

2.She doesn’t like it when someone asks how tall she is, so replies either, “How much do you weigh?  or How much money do you have?”  By the way, she is not tall.

3.  She once crashed  wedding in cut off blue jeans, sitting in the first row on the bride’s side.  The family was not friendly.

4.  She was once locked in a museum and had to be rescued by the fire department, climbing over the fence on their ladder.

5.  She was locked in Windsor Castle. More on that later.

6.  She rolled up a car window up on a camel’s lip.  These things happen.

7.  She made change in the offering plate at church and came out twenty dollars ahead.

8.  She lost her bra at church one Sunday.  She never could explain that!

9,  When two intruders broke in her house, she made one of them help her into her robe before she would talk to them.  She gave them eleven dollars, telling them, “That’s enough!” They thanked her when they left, telling her to “have a nice day.”  She told the police officers later, “They were polite and had been raised right.”  Go figure.

10.  She threatened a rapist

11. She won’t say “Bull.”  That sounds crude.  She substitutes “male cow.”

Don’t tell her I said vagina, boobs, and poop. God knows she tried to raise me right.

I decided to flesh these delightful stories out for the New Year, after first clarifying.  Mother’s mind is not going.  Lots of these stories go back many years.  She’s a delight to be around and keeps family and friends in stitches, most often without meaning to.

#1.  “Officer can you jack me off?”

Mother is prissy to the point of being prudish, exchewing vulgar terms such as “butt” and “pee.”Dern is as bad as it gets, except for one time I heard her say “Damn”  when she raised up under and open cabinet door. Life presents challenges for a kid growing up with such a restrictive vocabulary.  I have to admit, however, she may have had a closed-head injury when she said it.

Any way, Mother made her way to the local mall for lunch and an afternoon of shopping with her frinnds.  Much later she returned to her car and found a dead battery, courtesy of the lights she’d left on.  I suspect she may have said “Dern!”

Donning her best poor stranded woman look, she flagged down a Police Officer, asking if he could jack her off using her best Minnie Mouse squeak.  Maybe he ihad a grandma, but she didn’t get arrested.  (To be continued)  Note link to youtube channel below to see her.

Vagina, Boobs, and Poop

Vagina, Boobs, and Poop (Part 3)

Just Jot It January – Pingback Post and Rules

112 thoughts on “Vagina, Boobs, and Poop

  1. How delightful! Thank you for sharing your mom with us. When my sister think of our mom, we sometimes imagine that if she’d been sane, she would have been as awesome as your mom is. We used to say that because we are the way we are, upbeat and sometimes funny, that we’d taken after that part of her that we would see on rare occasions. Loved it!!


    • I need to do some more videos and some pod casts. May try to get one today. She is a wonder! Recently she was all smug at a class reunion when she found out she’d outlived a hateful girl she went to school with.

      Liked by 1 person

  2. You had me at the pic in the cemetery. Who at age 80 lies down to test the real estate?? What a joy, and a challenge, to grow up with a mom like that. That sense of humor in your gene pool…fabulous. I look forward to reading more! Van


  3. I love your Mother….The title really caught my eye and this story is priceless:

    9, When two intruders broke in her house, she made one of them help her into her robe before she would talk to them. She gave them eleven dollars, telling them, “That’s enough!” They thanked her when they left, telling her to “have a nice day.” She told the police officers later, “They were polite and had been raised right.” Go figure.

    I will love your blog forever….

    Liked by 1 person

  4. Looking forward to the rest of the story. Just a point of information, and it may be something on my end, but I only see two pictures. One of your mother doing her “scream” imitation, and one of her testing out the comfort of the cemetery. The one “on a stone patio she built herself” is not showing up. Again, maybe it’s me and my computer, but I just thought I’d let you know.

    Liked by 1 person

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