Guests, Like Fish, Start to Smell After Three Days

I am an excellent guest.  We went to visit relatives this weekend, but I don’t ever expect to be invited back.

I pulled bathroom curtain loose while showering.  When I called Bud to fix it, We had to get through the requisite question first.  “Why did you pull it loose?”

“I was kicking at the toilet.  I intended to break it and the mirror over the sink, but this is all I managed, for the moment.  I am so disappointed in myself.  Can you fix it anyway?  I’ll get to the rest of it as soon as I can.”

Grudgingly, he put the window curtain back up.

Later, we made a little trip into town to pick up a few things at the grocery store.  Buzzy, our dog, and Bud’s aunt had gotten quite friendly.  She said he could stay with her since she was going to nap while we were gone.  I was a little concerned how that might go.  Hurrying back, I dreaded asking, “Did he do okay?”

“Did you see that movie, ‘Call of the Wild’?”  As soon as you left, he howled about every thirty seconds the whole time you were gone.”