A Rose By Any Other Name

imageThe new schoolmaster was waving around his hickory stick and laying down the law the first day of school. He pointed his hickory stick.  “Boy, what is you name?”

“My name is Zeke.”

The teacher slammed hickory stick down on the boys desk, scaring the life out of him.  “No, it’s not!  As long as you’re in this classroom, your name is Ezekial and don’t you forget it.”

“Yes sir.”

He moved on to they next boy.  “What’s your name?”


He slammed his hickory stick down on the boy’s desk.  “No, it’s not!  As long as you’re in this classroom, your name is Daniel.  You’d best not forget it!”

He moved on to a third boy, who by now was quaking in his seat.  “What’s your name, boy?”

“Uh, Bobial?”

11 thoughts on “A Rose By Any Other Name

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