Ralphie Wins and Loses, Bigtime

phone ringingDaddy got another phone call from Ralphie, the kid down the road.

“Mr. Bill?”

“Hey, Ralphie.  What’s going on?”

“I wrote a poem at school and won a contest.”  (On his last phone call, he’d reported making all D’s and F’s and having the papers to prove it)

“Well, that’s great, Ralphie!  I’m glad you’re doing better at school.”

“I won first at my school, then at district.  But when they took it to state, the judge said it came out of World Book and they threw it out.”

“Well, why did they do that?

“Because it came out of World Book.  Bye”

Guest Post: Joe Writes His Wrongs

It is my pleasure to host Joe Writes his Wrongs as my first guest post,  Joe is working hard to get his life on track after a tumultuous period.  I congratulate Joe and admire the work he is doing.  Helping others is definitely the way to go.  Good luck, Joe.  I know you’ll do well.

Life after prison

As someone who has spent the last 6+ years in prison for non-violent drug offenses, finally there is a light at the end of the tunnel. Continue reading