Smart Alec and Speechless

imageA few years ago, we were traveling through a country area and turned the radio to a farm program.  A farmer called in to advertise peas for sale, giving his name and number.  A few minutes later, someone called back asking for the name and phone number of the farmer with the peas.  The DJ lit rudely into the caller, telling him he should have been ready with a pencil to write the number down as it was announced.  He didn’t have time to go digging through phone numbers just because people didn’t listen.

Not surprisingly, it made the caller furious.  “Well, you just go to Hell!” Click!

The DJ sputtered,  “Well,….well…It takes one to know one.”

Overheard at Work

G string

Stop now if you are easily offended.  Contains adult content!

We all have different parenting styles.

I overheard a hilarious phone conversation a furious friend and co-worker had with her teenage daughter at work one day. (repeated verbatim)

“Kaylee, You been gittin’ in my drawers!”


“Yes you have!  I can tell you been diggin’ around in there!  Them’s f___ing panties!  Is you f____ing!”

She slammed the phone down.  “I don’t know what I’m gonna do with that little ‘ho! I can’t keep her out of my f___ing panties”

I was rolling on the floor, laughing.