Dog Sweater

Above you can see my American Eskimo Dog, Buzzy.  He is a pure delight, except for shedding.  I brush him several times a week.  Pictured below is the pile of hair I brushed out this morning.  The fibers are long, silky, and soft as rabbit fur.  I have long thought it would make a beautiful sweater.  I believe I could collect enough in a few weeks, but am not industrious enough to learn spinning.  I need to get to work.  I am wasting a valuable renewable resource.
I found the pictures below on a Russian sale site of garments made of various kinds of dog hair, including Spitz, Akita, Samoyed, and Eskies.  The health, warmth, and durability are highly touted.  Check out this site.        Shop at Livedogsnitka(MasterPr).

Croc and the Great Chair Monster


This poor dog suffered a terrifying experience today.  While I was watering my strawberries, I fastened his leash to a patio chair.  Bud drove up and my other dog,  Buzzy , sounded the alarm.  Croc forgot he was tethered and took off to greet Bud, dragging the heavy metal patio chair shrieking like a banshee on the concrete behind him.   Panicked, he fled, bashing a few flower pots as the chair monster pursued him, screaming its rage.  It remained in hot pursuit all the way down the drive where it attacked the travel trailer and Jeep in its fury, while never loosening its grip on Croc.  The beast clung to him, trying to hang him up on my berry fence.  Finally, Bud and Buzzy caught up with him, but not until he made a pass through my rose garden, uprooting a couple unfortunate bushes before hanging up on a garden bench  He was panting and trembling before Bud finally wrested him from the grip of the chair monster.  Naturally, Buzzy was barking wildly the whole time, sure that would save his friend.  He drank a whole bowl of water and slept for three hours straight once he got back under air conditioning.


Bud is going to try to fix the chair tomorrow.  The flower pots were a total loss.  I don’t think the Jeep or travel trailer were damaged at all.  I’d hate to have to explain that damage to an insurance adjuster.

A Dog and his Squeaky Toy

 Our pack is growing, one hundred three pounds to be exact. I was concerned Croc would bully Buzzy, but  needn’t have worried.  This gentle behemoth is desperate to play, frequently play-bowing and politely presenting his large behind for Buzzy’s sniffing “Howdy do?”.  Though Buzzy is normally social and thrilled to have canine guests, he wasn’t sure he wanted  Croc moving in, reminding Croc of the pecking order at every turn.  He has yet to “shake hands” with Croc, though they are playing happily.  Buzzy still occasionally snarls to remind Croc he was here first.

Below, you can see Croc with his grandmother.  They are about the same weight, but he has a lot more muscle.  He can ‘t get enough of her.  With her high, Minnie Mouse voice, he thinks she’s a squeaky toy.  See how he has his leg draped possessively over her?


Wedged in

Our American Eskimo Dog, Buzzy, is terrified of storms.  We had a couple of hours of noisy thunderstorms just now and Buzzy was trembling, hyperventilating, and crying.  I couldn’t comfort him.  When I got off the sofa for a minute, Buzzy dived for my spot.  He wedged in when I got back, refusing to move.  He was greatly comforted, blanketed in tightly between Mother and me.  He tolerated the rest of the storm quiet well, despite the thunder and lightning.  He finally went on to sleep.  As you can see, Mother was also terrified by the storm.

Buzzy was mentored in storm terror by Sissy, our dog who was two years older.  He wasn’t afraid as a small puppy, but Sissy showed him the ropes.  Sissy was well-trained by her predecessor, Bubba.  Bubba wasn’t afraid till he stayed with my sister while we were on vacation.  Lightning blasted her house and blew a lot of brick off.  The sound must have been horrendous!  He was terrified forever and made sure to pass it on.  Thanks, Buzzy.  Your legacy lives on.

All better.