You’re Gonna Die! Joke

imageMany years ago two hunters were tromping through the the woods when one had to answer the call of nature.  Joe hurried behind a tree and dropped his pants.  Just as he squatted to do his business, a rattlesnake struck him in his most tender nether portion.  “Help! Help! Mike,go get help!”

Mike rushed to a nearby farmhouse, calling an ambulance, telling them Joe had been bitten by a rattlesnake.  They needed to come get him from the woods behind Farmer Brown’s house.  “We’ll be there as quick as we can, but in the mean time, to save Joe’s life, you’ve got to suck the poison out.

Mike hurried back to give Joe an update.

Joe was getting in pretty bad shape by the time Mike got back.  “Thank God , you’re back Mike!  What did they say?”

“They said you’re gonna die.”

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