I Smell a Rat

imageConnie and Marilyn and two of their friends had been talking about sleeping in the barn for quite a while. They’d built themselves a lovely hideaway over the feed room where they spent many hours together.  On one of the coldest nights of the year, they convinced themselves the time had come.  Mother and Daddy weren’t concerned about their safety.  They had about a half a dozen dogs who routinely slept buried up deep in the hay in the barn.   No one would be slipping up on the the girls unnoticed.  The barn was only a few hundred feet from the house.  They could come back to the house anytime they got ready.  They took their snacks, radio, flashlights, and games, ready for an evening of fun.  The cats and dogs snuggled up with them, thrilled to have overnight guests.

Finally, they went to sleep.  Tom Cat wasn’t through celebrating.  After they went to sleep he woke Connie up, purring and licking her, insisting on attention.  She had to cover her head up to get away from him.  When she awoke, she found he’d brought her a gift. There was a dead rat stuck in her hair, his clotted blood gluing him firmly next to her ear.

27 thoughts on “I Smell a Rat

  1. Yerk! When I was pregnant with my first child, one of my cats brought me the bottom half of a mouse daily for the last four months. I had to pretend to eat it, and then wrap it in alfoil to disguise the tiny corpse before I binned it. It is a good thing I didn’t suffer pregnancy nausea.

    Poor Connie. I know how she felt.

    Liked by 1 person

  2. Nice (sort of) to share.
    Reminds me of when we were on the road in the tent house hunting, and the night we pitched next to some hay bales to shelter from the wind. Maggie was on guard all night, grring just loud enough to scare off the rats scurrying around us. We were showered, dressed, breakfasted, packed up and back on the road by 6am, and she slept for almost 16 hours.


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