2014 in review

The WordPress.com stats helper monkeys prepared a 2014 annual report for this blog.

Here’s an excerpt:

The concert hall at the Sydney Opera House holds 2,700 people. This blog was viewed about 9,100 times in 2014. If it were a concert at Sydney Opera House, it would take about 3 sold-out performances for that many people to see it.

Click here to see the complete report.

Desperate and Cold

My flight from Philadelphia was snowed out last winter.  The roads were closed, no cabs or shuttles running.  I had to catch the train to get back to New Jersey, a new and worrisome experience for me.  The trains were on a reduced scheduled,making my wait long and cold.  I had to walk a few blocks between train connections.  The entrance to the train station appeared to be locked.  It late, the snow was deep, and the streets were nearly deserted.  I was approached by a desperate young man.  He was waving at me and near tears.  Calling out , he addressed me, “Please help me.  Please don’t be mean to me.  I need help.  I just got out of jail.  I don’t have train fare to get home and have nowhere to turn.”

I knew just how he felt. “I need help,too.  Get me to an ATM at the train station and I’ll get us both home.”  He was overjoyed to help.  He carried my bag.  We walked together to the ATM in the station.  I found out he didn’t have any food at home, either.  I got twenty dollars. He got us both a ticket. I told him to keep the change and be safe.  We hugged and parted, both grateful for the help, both happy!  We needed each other that night.

My head

Reblogged from Scarredandscared. Welcome to newblogger


What do you do when you are scared and your head tells you all this bad stuff?
I say to myself these people are here because they love me, they show me they love me with their actions, they don’t leave me –  but my head says they are they’re because they’re doing a good deed, or they feel guilty for leaving me with him or because I have potential to be something. I tell my head no, your wrong, then my head says you’re just being nieve and stupid.

They tell me I can get better, don’t listen to the voices and that my head talks Bullshit but do you know how hard it is to drown it out when it’s constant and so loud and sounds exactly like the same things i was told my whole childhood, your not good enough, your not worth it, you’re a waste…

View original post 731 more words

Welcome to Scarred and Scared

I stumbled onto your first post yesterday.  I was moved by your struggle dealing with sexual abuse and bipolar disorder.  I congratulate on having the courage to open your heart to a caring community of people who will support you in your struggles and joy.  You have found friends who will come to depend on you as you will depend on them.   Continue reading