Cousin Barbie Gets Married

imageA few years ago Mother got the thrilling news that her cousin Cookie’s daughter was getting married. When Cookie and Mother were young, they were dear friends, but time and circumstances had come between them.   Now the wedding of a distant cousin’s daughter normally doesn’t make a widowed lady in her late seventies jump for joy, but Continue reading

Parenting-An Unexpected Trigger

Reblog from sisterwives

The SisterWives

On Tuesday, Dawn courageously shared a part of her story with us. You may have noticed that she touched briefly on a project she and a fellow survivor, mother, and blogger are starting to support others who no longer want to feel alone, who want to find a community where there are others who understand completely what they are living with day in and day out.  

This is exactly the kind of project the Sisterwives get behind wholeheartedly. Not one of us needs to feel alone, no matter the trauma we have endured. If you are a survivor or know someone who is, please read Dawn’s second post here today and consider contributing to this incredible anthology project or sharing the opportunity.

Together we are stronger.  ~   The Sisterwives

parenting unexpected trigger

People may ask, why open up old wounds by talking about abuse that happened to you in childhood? I’d say…

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