WORD ON THE STREET IS…”There’s Spinach In Your Teeth!”

Reblogged from Authenticitee.


Hey you!

You were walking so fast I could barely catch up! I know since you landed the new promotion, your schedule has spiraled out of control! I’m sure you didn’t see me when I was running for the elevator; probably had some big meeting to go to! I just wanted to tell you that the word on the street is, “you have spinach in your teeth!”

When I saw the toliet tissue stuck to the bottom of your shoe and noticed your slip hanging, I was trying to let you know but you kept brushing past me. Every time you turned your nose up when I tried to make eye contact, you had a bit of company in the corner of your left nostril. Oh and you kept muttering to the gentleman trying to open the door for you, ” Out of my way peon!”, but it’s Leon

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