Fishy Funeral

imageWhen my grandson was about two, I went to babysit for a few days while his preschool was on break.  While he was happy enough to have me visit, he wasn’t altogether satisfied with my babysitting services.  I spent a great deal of time trying to find an activity that pleased him in the late afternoons before his mom got home.  They lived near the water where a dead fish had washed up.  Isaac became more enamored of the dead fish as each day passed.  We made numerous trips to check on the fish’s putrid progress, as the fish’s girth and aromatic qualities increased exponentially.  I thought I wouldn’t be able to pull him him away on the final day when the belly opened.  I was so glad when the proud young man escorted his parents to the final viewing as pelicans bore it away in bits.

25 thoughts on “Fishy Funeral

  1. I’d like you as my babysitter! Also reminds me of my 3 year old grandson at a wedding a fortnight ago, everyone dressed in their finery including him. What held his interest the longest and made him drag people to show them his fascinating discovery? Someone had been sick out beside the building!

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    • That boy knows how to throw a party! I did get tired of the fish before the week was out, but he could eat Popsicles while he admired it. Sometimes we had to get a long stick and poke it.


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