Facebook!!!! Wah Wah Wah!

discretion3-1024x765I hate the crybaby stuff people put on Facebook!  An acquaintance (not friend)put a post saying her husband wouldn’t by her beer anymore since she lost her nursing license!  I wonder why?  That’s mortifying.  Facebook should have a some of those buttons you have to push to prove you’re sober before you can post.

Pity parties make me cringe.  “It’s my birthday mentioned it all day.  I never forget anybody’s birthday!  Why doesn’t anybody love me?  Wah Wah Wah!   Do these people feel better when they show up at asurprise party later that night after they’ve disgraced themselves blubbering in front of the whole world?

The worst posts are those whining about poor treatment or lack of love, affection, appreciation, or attention(fill in the blank) of spouse, boyfriend/girlfriend, or partner.  Don’t they realize airing of these private issues embarrasses everyone who reads them and likely don’t reach their intended target?

I also dread posts about people’s perfect lives, homes, children, vacations, photography, pets, jobs, plans for the future.  Call me a spoilsport, but if we are really friends, you catch me up next time you have me over for coffee.

51 thoughts on “Facebook!!!! Wah Wah Wah!

  1. I guess some people just need to share. Maybe they are lonely. We can all choose what we read and delete what we don’t want to read or just delete the whole FB account like you did. Lol! I like positive thinking people – keeps me positive too!

    Thanks for sharing your amusing post! Best wishes!


  2. It took me a year and a half of deactivation to finally delete my Facebook account completely, and now 2-3 years later, I still think it was the best year and a half that I ever spent. But I do admit to being the curious type, so if anybody knows what happened to that guy with the boil….?


  3. My Facebook is grouped in lists. It’s maybe 14-15 people who see anything personal, so it doesn’t bother me at all.
    I run the full gamut of emotions.
    To me, it seems some people only post happy or only post sad, and that’s hard to like. Life is ups and downs!

    Liked by 1 person

  4. Hello Ibeth! Interesting post. Our is a complex world with all types of people who think and act differently. Many times I have wondered what comes over people’s minds to post some of the things I see. Yet, some people enjoy them. What a world!


  5. Barb Knowles says:

    I use Facebook but like it increasingly less. My pet peeve is people who want you to repost if you like them (that isn’t the exact wording but you know what I mean).


  6. The best of FB was I learned a friend I thought I had know for 20 yrs. Had a different last name I never new it. But she had it on facebook all the time! Not my friend no more!
    You are right! Not a skeleton in the cliset no more open door on personal life!


  7. You are correct! My F is there to expand my following and some personal friends who only live on F. When I am asked for friend requests, all I receive is their selfies, their bla bla. My posts are never liked read ect. On some posts niw I’ m not sharing anymore. I use to work with someone all she did was go on F to see dirt in people! Ba! I loose pacience with social media. Thanks for sharing. I loved it.


  8. mandy says:

    Oh Linda, you’re such a party pooper!! 😀 Seriously, it’s pretty bad isn’t it? I’m going to disconnect as soon as I find out what happens with the guy that has a boil that just won’t heal up. Lol.

    Liked by 2 people

  9. I enjoy social media but I won’t go near Facebook. It’s legalized voyeurism if you ask me. If I want you to know where I am or what I’m doing, I’ll reach out. Otherwise………

    Liked by 1 person

  10. Deborah the Closet Monster says:

    I just deletedy FB account two weeks ago after more than a year of deactivation. I knew more of the facts about their lives while knowing less about them. I loathed it. I loathed everything about it. Deleting was a load off, and reading this reminds me–again–just how glad I am.


  11. I only have my FB account because it was set up during my campaign last year. It is of use when I announce events for my practice and for spreading my WP posts. But that’s it. I am barely there and think more and more of cancelling the account. That’s not my world.

    Liked by 1 person

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