Girl’s Night Out

Bill 2image imageimage I am very fortunate to come from a close family with three sisters and one brother.  The girls get together periodically for a girl’s night out.  For some reason, my brother, bows out on our girl’s night out.  We gathered this time in honor of Mother’s birthday and Mother’s Day.  In the second picture back left is me , 2nd daughter, back right, Phyllis eldest daughter, bottom left Mother, bottom center, Connie 4th daughter, bottom right Marilyn the youngest. In the third picture, Mother is reacting to being kissed by Marilyn’s little dog.My brother Bill is pictured with my Mother in the top picture. In the fourth picture, a dear family friend, Elaine, joins us.  We had a wonderful night, laughed till we were exhausted, and enjoyed every minute together.

26 thoughts on “Girl’s Night Out

  1. Rosa Ave Fénix says:

    Indeed you are very lucky… I have not siblings, nor cousins and what is worse… my only daughter passed away four years ago.


  2. Elaine says:

    I’m still in a great mood. I will always be thankful to the one that brought us together and y’all for never letting me go ( you would have had a real hard time trying) i know for a fact that family isn’t always related by blood. 😊


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